Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 48 (1), pp. 1<@150>20, 2002
Title: Digenetic trematodes from marine fishes off the Coast of Kuwait, Arabian Gulf: Superfamily Hemiuroidea
Authors: Nahhas, F. M. and O. Sey*
Authors' addresses: Department of Biological Sciences, University of the Pacific,
Stockton, California, 95211, E-mail:
*Department of Zoology, University of Pécs,
H-7624 Pécs, Ifjúság u. 6, Hungary, E-mail:
Abstract: Eight species of Hemiuroidea are reported: Allostomachicola secundus (Srivastava, 1937) Yamaguti, 1958 from Chirocentrus nudus (Chirocentridae); Ectenurus trachuri from Trachurus trachurus, Caranx kalla, Scomberoides commersonianus (Carangidae) and Rachycentron canadum (Rachycentridae); Erilepturus hamati (Yamaguti, 1934) Manter, 1947 from Lutjanus russelli (Lutjanidae), Otolithes ruber (Sciaenidae), Pseudorhombus arsius (Bothiidae), Scomberoides commersonianus (Carangidae) Therapon sp. (Theraponidae); Lecithocladium angustiovum Yamaguti, 1953 from Caranx kalla (Carangidae); Lecithochirium acutum, Chauhan, 1945 from Trichiurus lepturus (Trichiuridae); Aponurus laguncula Looss, 1907 from Siganus oramin (Siganidae); Lecithaster indicus Srivastava, 1935 from Otolithes ruber; Aphanurus stossichii (Monticelli, 1891) Looss, 1907 from Sardinella perforata, Ilisha elongata (Clupeidae), Thryssa whiteheadi (Engraulidae) and Mulloidichthys auriflamma, (Mullidae).
Key words: Arabian Gulf, Kuwait coast, marine fishes, trematodes, Hemiuridae, Lecithasteridae, Bunocotylidae
Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 48 (1), pp. 21<@150>33, 2002
Title: A revision of the Oriental Ptecticus species described by G. Enderlein (Stratiomyidae, Diptera)
Author: R. Rozkosny
Author's address: Department of Zoology and Ecology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlárská 2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic; E-mail:
Abstract: Six Oriental species of the genus Ptecticus Loew described by Enderlein (1914) are revised. Only one of them (Gongrozus vulpianus) was recently elucidated as a valid species being conspecific with P. rectinervis De Meijere (cf. Rozkosny & De Jong 2001). Two of them (P. sumatranus and P. violaceous) are confirmed as valid species and their identity is documented by the detailed redescriptions and illustrations of the male terminalia. Three species are interpreted as definitive synonyms of other species: Gongrozus nodivena and G. nodivena var. striginotum are new junior synonyms of P. longipennis (Wiedemann, 1824), P. ochraceus is a new junior synonym of P. melanurus (Walker, 1848), and G. sauteri is proved to be a junior synonym of P. aurifer (Walker, 1856). Lectotypes are designated for P. aurifer (Walker), P. longipennis (Wiedemann), P. melanurus (Walker) and P. violaceus Enderlein. Taxonomic and distributional notes are added to each species treated.
Key words: Ptecticus, new synonyms, lectotypes, taxonomy, distribution
Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 48 (1), pp. 35<@150>40, 2002
Title: New species and records of the Axarus "rogersi-group" from South and Central America (Diptera, Chironomidae)
Authors: Andersen, T. and H. F. Mendes*
Authors' addresses: Museum of Zoology, University of Bergen, Muséplass 3, N-5007 Bergen, Norway, E-mail:
*Departamento de Biologia FFCLRP, Universidade de Sao
Paulo, Av. Bandeirantes - 3900, 14040-901, Ribeirao
Preto - SP, Brazil; E-mail:
Abstract: Axarus froehlichi sp. n. from the Minas Gerais State in Brazil is described and figured as male imago. New records of Axarus rogersi (Beck et Beck) from Mexico and Costa Rica are given.
Key words: Chironomidae, Axarus, new species, Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico
Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 48 (1), pp. 41<@150>77, 2002
Title: Taxonomic studies on the genus Pseudohadena Alphéraky, 1889 (s. l.) Part VI. Descriptions of eight new taxa of Pseudohadena (s.l.) and a new Heterographa Staudinger, 1877 species (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)
Authors: Ronkay, L., Varga, Z.+ and P. Gyulai*
Authors' addresses: 1Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum, H-1088 Budapest, Baross u. 13, Hungary; e-mail:
+Department of Zoology and Evolution, Kossuth Lajos University, H-4010 Debrecen, Hungary; e-mail:
*H-3530 Miskolc, M<@233>lyv<@246>lgy u. 13/A, Hungary
Abstract: The supraspecific groups of the genus Pseudohadena s. l. are revised, their phylogenetic connections are discussed, a new genus, Orohadena gen. n. and two new subgenera (Megahadena within Eremohadena and Bryohadena within Orohadena) are established. Two new species of Pseudohadena (s. str.), P. (P.) albilacustris sp. n. (Mongolia) and P. (P.) igorkostyuki sp. n. (Russia: Transbaikalia) and a new species of Jaxartia, Pseudohadena (Jaxartia) leucochlora sp. n. (Turkmenistan) are described. The species of the Eremohadena coluteae species-group are revised, the descriptions of two new species, E. raja sp. n. (Pakistan) and E. catalampra sp. n. (Chinese Turkestan) and a new subspecies, E. catalampra cyanochlora ssp. n. (Transalai) are given. The identity of E. coluteae is clarified, E. arvicola is synonymized with E. coluteae. Two new Orohadena species, O. (Orohadena) cardinalis sp. n. (Afghanistan) and O. (Bryohadena) nekrasovi sp. n. (Tadjikistan), and a new Heterographa species, H. thoenyi sp. n. (Kazakhstan) are described. With 40 figures.
Key words: Noctuidae, Eremohadena, Pseudohadena s.l, Heterographa, new species, revised stati, new synonymies