Title: Species-specific distribution of reed-nesting passerine birds across reed-bed edges: effects of spatial scale and edge type
Authors: Báldi, A. and T. Kisbenedek*
Authors' address: Animal
Ecology Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, c/o Hungarian
Natural History Museum, Ludovika tér 2, H-1083 Budapest, Hungary,
e-mail: baldi@zoo.zoo.nhmus.hu
Abstract: We studied the distribution of breeding passerine birds across reedbed edges in Hungary. Our aim was to investigate the effects of edge. Therefore, we studied the birds' distribution at two spatial scales, across four different reed edges (a reed water edge, a reed boat path edge, a reed with bushes dike edge and a gradually changing edge), where the vegetation structure and the landscape position (depending on the extent of open water) were different. Reed-nesting birds were censused by the line transect method in three wetlands (Lake Velence: 19921994; Kis-Balaton: 1991; Macska-sziget (island), Szigetköz: 19941995). We found different edge effects at different spatial scales. At the landscape scale there were no differences at the community level between edge and interior community structure parameters (species number, total and species density), but at the species level, the density of Bluethroat Luscinia svecica was 3.5 times higher in the interior than in the edge habitat, whereas the density of Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus was 12 times higher in the edge than in the interior habitat. At the local scale, when only the first 40 m from the edge was considered, the Reed Warbler A. scirpaceus, Savi's Warbler Locustella luscinioides, Bearded Tit Panurus biarmicus and partly the Sedge Warbler A. schoenobaenus showed strong significant edge (05 m) preference for both reed water and reed boat path reed edges. Eight out of 14 species showed different patterns of edge avoidance/preference at the three edges of similar landscape position, which reflects the crucial role of vegetation structure at the edge. Reed-nesting passerine species responded individualistically to edges. The general pattern of edge preference on the local spatial scale may be a result of lower nest predation in the edges mediated by the vegetation structure.
Key words: breeding bird communities, edge effect, habitat selection, landscape ecology, reedbed, vegetation structure
Title: The "expected species shared" measure to compare composition of dipterous aerial plankton and sheep dung fly communities
Authors: Papp, L.* and J. Izsák
Authors' addresses: *Department
of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum, H-1088 Budapest, Baross u.
13, Hungary, E-mail: lpapp@zoo.zoo.nhmus.hu
Department of Zoology, Berzsenyi Dániel
College, H-9701 Szombathely, Károlyi G. tér 4, Hungary, E-mail:
Abstract: The parametric similarity measure family "expected species shared" (ESS) was applied to compare composition of flies in aerial plankton and in sheep dung fly communities collected in three dry sheep-runs in Hungary. A strongly fluctuating picture was found in both cases, when consecutive pairs in time were compared. However, beside a natural declining tendency in time ("time decay"), dung inhabiting assemblages showed slower changes and always higher similarity values than in samples from aerial plankton at the same time. The expected species shared measure family seem proper to demonstrate even the weak stabilizing effect of the shared sources also for the ephemeral and unstable insect assemblages of very small sized sources and this measure is proposed also to compare seemingly similar communities of different distances (and so demonstrate "distance decay").
Key words: species richness, similarity index, expected species shared, Diptera, sheep-runs, aerial plankton, coprophagous flies
Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 45 (2), pp. 125141, 1999
Title: Predispersal seed predation of the introduced false indigo, Amorpha fruticosa L. in Hungary
Author: Á. Szentesi
Author's address: Zoology
Department, Plant Protection Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
P. O. Box 102, H1525 Budapest, Hungary, E-mail: h2370sze@ella.hu
Present address: Department of Systematic Zoology
and Ecology, L. Eötvös University, P.O. Box 330, H-1445 Budapest,
Hungary, E-mail: szentesi@ludens.elte.hu
Abstract: Amorpha fruticosa is a widespread leguminous shrub from the United States now found in Hungary and in most of Central and Southeast Europe. Its predispersal seed predator (pre-DSP), in the new habitat, the bruchid Acanthoscelides pallidipennis is also native to the USA. Loss of seed crop to the seed predator only rarely exceeds 40%, which may indicate a predator-satiation strategy in A. fruticosa. The plant species is exploited by three bruchid species and by a leaf/flower-consuming and stem-galling lepidopterous community of at least nine members in the USA, and the level of parasitisation of A. pallidipennis is regularly high. On the contrary, neither the plant, nor its seed predator are used as resources by, respectively, other phytophagous insect herbivores and parasitoids from the local fauna in Hungary (i.e. both of them are unutilised resources). Amorpha contains rotenone, a natural insecticide, and this may explain the lack of consumption by non-adapted phytophagous insects in Hungary.
Key words: seed predation, Bruchidae, indigobush, rotenone, introduced species
Title: Microbradymerus gen. n. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae, Coelometopinae) from the Oriental region
Author: W. Schawaller
Author's address: Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Rosenstein 1, D-70191 Stuttgart, Germany, E-mail: wschawaller@gmx.de
Abstract: Microbradymerus gen. n. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae, Coelometopinae) is described and contains the following new species: type species merkli sp. n. (Borneo), kazirangicus sp. n. (Assam) and assamicus sp. n. (Assam). These species are most similar (=related ?) to the species of Bradymerus. The new genus can be separated from Bradymerus by the shape of the antenna with all antennomeres short and broad; the antenna with antennomeres 9 and 10 distally with a complete brush of dense light sensilla; the scutellum surrounded by the medial groove of the pronotum; pronotum with smooth lateral margins; body small (2.54.8 mm) and with clavate setation.
Key words: Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Coelometopinae, Microbradymerus gen. n., new species, Borneo, Assam
Title: First record of Antillocladius sther from continental South America (Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae)
Authors: Andersen, T.* and A. Contreras-Ramos
Authors' addresses: *Museum
of Zoology, Bergen Museum, Muséplass 3, N-5007 Bergen, Norway, E-mail:
Instituto de Biología, U.N.A.M., Depto.
Zoología, Apdo. Postal 70153, 04510 México, D. F., México,
E-mail: atilano@ibunam.ibiologia.unam.mx
Abstract: Antillocladius skartveiti sp. n. is described and figured as male imago based on specimens collected in the Pichincha Province in Ecuador. The genus Antillocladius Sther, 1981, originally described from the British West Indies, now includes six species from North, Central and South America, and from China. A key to the male imagines is given.
Key words: Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae, Antillocladius, new species, Ecuador
Title: Sasacricotopus, a new orthoclad genus from Japan (Diptera, Chironomidae)
Authors: Kobayashi, T.* and O. A. Saether
Authors' addresses: *Sophia
School of Social Welfare, Mita 324303, Tama-ku, Kawasaki, 2140034 Japan,
E-mail: tadkoba@email.msn.com
Museum of Zoology, Department of Zoology, University
of Bergen, N-5007 Bergen, Norway, E-mail: ole.sather@zmb.uib.no
Abstract: Diagnoses are given and phylogenetic position discussed for a new genus of orthoclads, Sasacricotopus. Sasacricotopus with the single included species Nanocladius jintusecundus Sasa, 1990, apparently belongs in the Nanocladius group of genera but lacks acrostichals, pulvilli and plate-like superior volsellae.
Key words: Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae, Sasacricotopus, male imago, Japan
Title: Molleriella, a new terrestrial orthoclad genus from the Netherlands (Diptera: Chironomidae)
Authors: Saether, O. A. and T. Ekrem*
Authors' address: Museum
of Zoology, University of Bergen, N-5007 Bergen, Norway, E-mail: ole.sather@zmb.uib.no
*E-mail: torbjom.ekrem@zmb.uib.no
Abstract: Molleriella calcarella gen. et sp. n., a terrestrial orthoclad from the Netherlands, is described as male and female imago. The genus share bare eyes, hairy wings, setae on squama, extended costa, and R4+5 ending proximal to end of M3+4 with Paraphaenocladius Thienemann. It differs from Paraphaenocladius in lacking dorsomedian eye extension, acrostichals and distinct hind tibial comb and in having very weak tibial spurs. Its phylogenetic position apparently is either in the Heterotrissocladius group of genera or near Heterotanytarsus Spärck.
Key words: Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae, terrestrial, Molleriella, the Netherlands
Title: Taxonomy of the genus Ctenoceratoda Varga, 1992 (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) with the description of seven new species
Authors: Varga, Z.* & P. Gyulai
Authors' addresses: *Department
of Zoology and Evolution, Kossuth Lajos University, H-4010 Debrecen, Hungary,
E-mail: zvarga@tigris.klte.hu
Mélyvölgy u. 13b, H-3530 Miskolc,
Abstract: The taxonomy of the genus Ctenoceratoda is revised; diagnostic characters of five species groups are given; seven new species (Ctenoceratoda lukhtanovi, C. peregovitsi, C. psychrogena, C. aksakal, C. anthracina, C. naryna and C. transalaica) are described and illustrated. Four species have been transferred to Polia Ochsenheimer, 1816 with revised status: P. subviolacea Leech, P. ignorata Hreblay, P. praecipua Staudinger and P. sublimis Draudt. The taxonomic relationships of the new and closely related species are discussed. With 91 figures.
Key words: Ctenoceratoda, taxonomy, species groups, new species, revised status