Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 57(2), pp. 111–116, 2011

Title: Two new species of Rhyacophila (Trichoptera, Rhyacophilidae) from Nepal

Author: Kiss, O.

Author's address: H-3014 Hort, Bajcsy Zs. u. 4, Hungary; e-mail:

Abstract: In the present study, two new species of the genus Rhyacophila (Trichoptera, Rhyacophilidae) from Central Nepal are described and illustrated. The imagines of Rhyacophila horvathmargiti sp. n. and Rhyacophila vajoni sp. n. were caught by light trapping at 2300–2600 m.

Key words: Trichoptera, Rhyacophila, new species, nigrocephala group, tarkiya group, Central Nepal

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Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 57(2), pp. 117–129, 2011

Title: Description of a new endemic genus of Trichoptera from Madagascar (Odontoceridae)

Authors: Oláh, J.1 and Johanson, K. A.2

Authors' addresses: 1Szent István University, Gödöllõ, Centre of Environmental Health, Gyula, Hungary, Residence postal address: Tarján u. 28, H-4032 Debrecen, Hungary; E-mail:
2Swedish Museum of Natural History, Entomology Department, Box 50007, SE-10405 Stockholm, Sweden; E-mail:

Abstract: Madagocerum gen. n. is described from Madagascar, representing the second genus of Odontoceridae from the Afrotropical Biogeographical Region. The following new species are described: M. bhemi, M. idvigum and M. thoderirk spp. n. All species were collected from moderately high elevations (above 1,550 meters).

Key words: Trichoptera, Odontoceridae, Madagocerum, new genus, Madagascar

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Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 57(2), pp. 131–137, 2011

Title: Two new species of Lophomilia Warren, 1913 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, Hypeninae) from Asian tropics

Authors: Sohn, J.-C.1 and Ronkay, L.2

Authors' addresses: 1Department of Entomology, University of Maryland, 4112 Plant Sciences Building, College Park, MD 20742, USA. E-mail:
2Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum, H-1088 Budapest, Baross u. 13, Hungary. E-mail:

Abstract: Two new species of the East Asiatic Noctuidae genus Lophomilia Warren, Lophomilia fusca sp. n. from Taiwan and L. posteburna sp. n. from Vietnam, are described. The species are compared with other similar species in external and genital features. Photos of the adults and genitalia are provided.

Key words: Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Hypeninae, Lophomilia, Taiwan, Vietnam

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Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 57(2), pp. 139–159, 2011

Title: Eight new Oriental and Australasian species of Leptomorphus (Diptera: Mycetophilidae)

Authors: Papp, L.1 and Sevcík, J.2

Authors' addresses: 1Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum and Animal Ecology Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences H-1431 Budapest, PO Box 13, Hungary. E-mail:
2University of Ostrava, Chittussiho 10, CZ-710 00 Ostrava & Silesian Museum, Tyrsova 1, CZ-746 01 Opava, Czech Republic. E-mail:

Abstract: Eight new species of Leptomorphus Curtis are described from the Oriental and Australasian regions: L. alienus (Indonesia: Seram), L. ascutellatus (Thailand), L. baramensis sp. n. (Malaysia: Sarawak), L. gunungmuluensis sp. n. (Malaysia: Sarawak), L. longipes sp. n. (Brunei), L. matilei sp. n. (Indonesia: Sulawesi), L. papua sp. n. (Papua New Guinea), L. utarensis sp. n. (Indonesia: Sulawesi). A key is given for their identification and male terminalia are figured. The egg of L. utarensis sp. n. is also figured. With 57 + 3 (photo) figures.

Key words: fungus gnats, Sciaroidea, Leptomorphus, taxonomy, new species, Australasian Region, Oriental Region

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Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 57(2), pp. 161–202, 2011

Title: Geographic distribution of Lispocephala Pokorny (Diptera: Muscidae), with descriptions of new species from China

Authors: Xue, W.-Q. and Zhang, X.-S.

Authors' address: Institute of Entomology, Shenyang Normal University, Huanghe North Street 253, Huanggu District, Shenyang City, 110034, China; E-mail:

Abstract: The figure of male genitalia of Lispocephala Pokorny, 1893 is given in this paper, with some of its structural elements named for the first time. The geographic distribution of Lispocephala is discussed and a taxonomic key to Chinese species of Lispocephala is provided. Fifteen new species are described and illustrated: L. bomiensis sp. n., L. dynatophallus sp. n., L. valva sp. n., L. flaviscutella sp. n., L. parciseta sp. n., L. applicatilobata sp. n., L. apicihamata sp. n., L. longihirsuta sp. n., L. apertura sp. n., L. curvilobata sp. n., L. subcurvilobata sp. n., L. mucronata sp. n., L. nigriala sp. n., L. leschenaulti sp. n. and L. setilobata sp. n.

Key words: Diptera, geographic distribution, Lispocephala, Muscidae, new species

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Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 57(2), pp. 203–218, 2011

Title: Wing-length, body mass and fat reserves of Robins (Erithacus rubecula) during autumn migration in Hungary

Authors: Gyimóthy, Zs.1, Gyurácz, J.2, Bank, L.3, Bánhidi, P.3, Farkas, R.4, Németh, Á.5 and Csörgõ, T.6

Authors' addresses: 1University of West Hungary, Faculty of Forestry, H-9400 Sopron, Ady Endre u. 5, Hungary
2University of West Hungary, Department of Zoology, H-9700 Szombathely, Károlyi Gáspár tér 4, Hungary
3BirdLife Hungary, H-1121 Budapest, Költõ u. 21, Hungary
4Aggtelek National Park, H-3758 Jósvafõ, Tengerszem oldal 1, Hungary
5Kiskunság National Park, H-6001 Kecskemét, Liszt Ferenc u. 19, Hungary
6Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Anatomy, Cell- and Developmental Biology, H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C, Hungary

Abstract: The aim of this study was to analyse the patterns of autumn migration of Robins Erithacus rubecula in Hungary. Capturing and ringing of birds took place at the bird ringing stations of BirdLife Hungary in Tömörd, Sumony, Ócsa, Izsák, and Szalonna between the 13th of August and the 27th of October, 2004. During this period 3671 individuals were captured and 553 were recaptured at the five study sites. In September–October, the birds migrating across geographically more distant study sites differed from each other the most. They came from various northern areas. The mean of the stored fat of the ringed birds in October was the smallest in the wooded areas of Szalonna, although the increase of fat of the recaptured birds was the biggest here. These study sites, which differ in vegetation, may play different role in migration. We conclude that the stopover area and the fall migration period do affect the wing-length, body mass and fat store of migratory Robins and that there is interactive effect of both ringing site and month.

Key words: Erithacus rubecula, autumn migration, wing-length, body mass, fat reserves

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