Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 55 (2), pp. 89122, 2009
Title: Oribatid mites from the Vohimana Reserve (Madagascar) (Acari: Oribatida) I.
Author: Mahunka, S.
Author's address: Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum and Systematic Zoology Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
H-1088 Budapest, Baross u. 13, Hungary. E-mail:
Abstract: During a study of a small sample from the Vohimana Reserve (Madagascar) 26 oribatid species are recorded. Among them 11 are new for science, the other species are already known from the other parts of the island. Some notes and drawings on little known species as well as identification keys for the Madagascarian members of the genera Austrocarabodes Hammer, 1966 and Hymenozetes Balogh, 1962 are also given. With 56 figures.
Key words: taxonomical studies, new species, new distributional data, Republic of Madagascar
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Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 55 (2), pp. 123137, 2009 Title: New species and new records of quill mites (Acari: Syringophilidae) inhabiting African Passerines (Aves: Passeriformes)
Authors: Skoracki, M.1, Antczak, M.2, Riegert, J.3, Fainová, D.3 and Mikeš, V.3
Authors' addresses: 1Department of Animal Morphology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Biology, Umultowska 89, 61614 Poznan, Poland; E-mail: Abstract: Three new species of the quill mites (Acari: Prostigmata: Syringophilidae) are described and illustrated from African passerines trapped in Bamenda Highlands (Cameroon): Syringophilopsis veselovsky sp. n. from Pycnonotus barbatus (Pycnonotidae); Neoaulonastus zosterops sp. n. from Zosterops senegalensis (Zosteropidae) and Picobia oritis sp. n. from Cyanomitra oritis (Nectarinidae). Additionally, two new host records are reported: Cisticola chubbi (Sylviidae) for Aulobia cisticolae Skoracki et Sikora and Linurgus olivaceus (Fringillidae) for Syringophilopsis kirgizorum Bochkov, Mironov et Kravtsova.
Key words: Acari, Syringophilidae, quill mites, ectoparasites, African birds, Passeriformes
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Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 55 (2), pp. 139173, 2009 Title: Braconidae (Hymenoptera) from Mongolia, XVII. Eleven subfamilies
Author: Papp, J.
Author's address: Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum, H-1088 Budapest, Baross utca 13, Hungary
Abstract: Hundred thirteen braconid species are reported from Mongolia belonging to eleven subfamilies. Four species proved to be new: Chorebus melanica sp. n., Dacnusa rutila sp. n., Protodacnusa dilata sp. n. and Cotesia tuita sp. n., i.e. three dacnusine and one microgastrine species. Two new synonymies: Bracon (Lucobracon) punctifer Thomson, 1894 sen. syn. = B. (L.) kaszabi Papp, 1967 jun. syn. and Cotesia villana (Reinhard, 1880) sen. syn. = Apanteles rubroides Papp, 1971 jun. syn. Many known species are new to the fauna of Mongolia. A checklist of the Mongolian braconid species was compiled: 872 species are registered in this Asiatic country. With 52 original figures.
Key words: Mongolia, Braconidae, subfamilies, new species, known species, descriptions, faunistics, checklist
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Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 55 (2), pp. 175185, 2009 Title: Change of timing of autumn migration in Acrocephalus and Locustella genus
Authors: Miholcsa, T., Tóth, A. and Csörgõ, T.
Authors' address: Eötvös Loránd University, Dept. General Biology 1117 Budapest, Pázmány sétány 1/C, E-mail:,
Abstract: Our research was done on trans-Sahara migrant Acrocephalus and Locustella species caught in Ócsa (Hungary) with standardized conditions between 19872004. We have constructed the cumulative diagram of the migration for adults and juveniles for every year and we have established the dates of the 50 and 90% percentiles. We have represented these data in the function of years and the average temperatures of August. On these distributions we have made linear regressions and studied their parameters. The very close related species react to the climate change in different degrees and direction. Although the study period is short, we have found some significant changes in the timing of migration and correlations with the temperature. The early migrating species have advanced their autumn migration and the later-migrating species have delayed it. The migration strategies of the species are very complex, so it is hard to give a uniform explanation for the changes.
Key words: bird, migration, long-distance migrant, trans-Sahara migrant, climate change, global warming
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Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 55 (2), pp. 187197, 2009 Title: Genetic diversity in peripheral and central populations of Rusty-necklaced Partridge (Alectoris magna) based on mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA
Authors: Huang, Z. H.1, Liu, N. F.2, Chen, Y. K.2 and Xiao, Y. A.1
Authors' addresses: 1School of Life Sciences, Jinggangshan University, Ji"an, Jiangxi, 343009, China, E-mail: Abstract: Though it has been long presumed that peripheral populations tend to exhibit low levels of genetic diversity due to isolation and genetic drift, results of empirical investigation remain ambiguous. Some rusty-necklaced partridge (Alectoris magna) populations have expanded their present ranges, resulting in several peripheral populations, due to recent deforestation by human beings in Northwestern China. On the basis of mitochondrial DNA control-region and microsatellite DNA data, we compare the genetic diversity (π-, H-, H0-, and HE-values) between three peripheral populations and five central populations. Maternal and biparental DNA markers indicated accordantly genetic diversity. Compared to central populations, the peripheral populations exhibited lower genetic diversity. The low genetic variability of the three peripheral populations appeared to result partly from isolation and natural selection.
Key words: Alectoris magna, peripheral population, genetic diversity, mitochondrial DNA, microsatellite
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Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 55 (2), pp. 199209, 2009 Title: An evaluation of Stone marten (Martes foina) records in the city of Budapest, Hungary
Authors: Tóth, M.1, Bárány, A.2 and Kis, R.3
Authors' addresses: 1Department of Systematic Zoology and Ecology, Eötvös Loránd University, 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter s. 1/c, Hungary, E-mail: Abstract: A multi-scale investigation into the urbanization process of the stone
marten in Budapest was initiated in 1996. Topographic records (n =
214) of stone martens were gathered within the city's administrative
area (525 km2) on the basis of questionnaires, correspondence
and phone-calls. Earlier studies had pointed out that the occurrence
and the diversity of the food-basis of this species does not show
a significant relation to the greenness of habitats in Budapest. The
aim of our analysis was to search for connections between confirmed
records of stone martens and the habitat and structure of patches
where they were located. Two main types of patches were defined: green
habitat had >50% green covering, desert habitat ≤50%. Overall, the green patches were preferred (67%), although certain desert patches had a relatively high density of sightings. The reason
for this might come from compensating factors, such as the structure
of buildings, the type of roof or gutter. The multi-storey, old and
often neglected houses, sometimes with inner gardens, appear to be
excellent hideouts that also provide some nutritive sources. No similar
analysis appears to have been carried out to date neither in Budapest
nor elsewhere.
Key words: building, Budapest, occurrence, stone marten, urban
2 Department of Behavioural Ecology, Adam Mickiewicz University,
Faculty of Biology, Umultowska 89, 61614 Poznan, Poland
3Department of Zoology, University of South Bohemia, Faculty
of Sciences, Branišovská 31, 370 05,Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
2School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu, 730000, China
2Hungarian National Museum, 1088 Budapest, Múzeum körút 1416, Hungary
3DHISTECH Kft., 1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege út 2933, Hungary